
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to Make a 3D Model of a Pyramid

My 2nd Grader is participating in a class project at school called "The Amazing Race".  They have to do a project for five of the seven continents and whoever completes their project before a certain date will receive a prize.  My son decided to make a 3D model of a pyramid for Africa.  So, I hit the keyboard and found lots of different ideas for making a pyramid on Squidoo.  One stood out to us and we decided to make a similar one but make it our own with a few changes.

  • 8 dowel rods (found at Michael's Craft Store)
  • hot glue gun
  • pipe cleaners
  1. Use the hot glue gun to glue 4 of the dowel rods into a square.
  2. Glue the bottom of each remaining dowel rod to one corner of the square at an angle, so that the tops meet together above the center of the square.  (Tip - We used Play-doh to help keep all the rods in place until we were able to glue them.  This allowed us to make sure the angle was correct when we glued it.)
  3. Glue the top of the 4 angled dowel rods together.
  4. Wrap the sides and joints of the pyramid with pipe cleaners.
  5. Print out or draw two pictures of a mummy or sarcophagus and glue them together, back to back.
  6. Punch a hole in the top of the image and hang it inside the pyramid with a pipe cleaner.
I added 5 smaller dowel rods across the base of the pyramid because my son was worried someone might try to wear the pyramid as a hat but, this is not necessary for the structure.  We had so much fun my two younger children wanted to make structures of their own with the remaining supplies. 

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