
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stop Throwing Away Groceries!

With money tight these days I do everything I can to stretch every dollar.  So, when I throw away spoiled groceries at the end of each week, I feel like I'm throwing away money.  I knew I had to do something about it right away.  So I began to work on a new grocery buying and using strategy.  

When I thought about it I realized I would buy ingredients needed for only one recipe and those ingredients would go bad before I made the recipe again.  So, I sat down and thought about recipes that share the same ingredients and decided to group all those recipes into one week of meals.  This way I will be able to use all my groceries without leaving anything to toss in the garbage at the end of the week.  This is what I cam up with so far:

Main Groceries:
  • 4 Large Split Fryer Chicken Breasts
  • 2 lbs Beef Rib Meat
  • BBQ Sauce
  • Sack of Potatoes
  • 1 Bunch of Celery
  • 1 Bunch of Carrots
  • Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
  • Tortilla Shells

  1. Homemade Chicken Soup
  2. BBQ Chicken
  3. Chicken Salad 
  4. Chicken Quesadillas
  5. Cheesy Roll-Ups (tortilla shells and shredded cheese; roll up and cook in microwave for 20-30 seconds)
  6. Beef Stew
  7. BBQ Ribs
  8. BBQ Rib Wraps
  9. Carrot Stick Snack (left over carrots)

*Images from

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